Our long-lasting cooperation with companies within manufacturing benefit from our strong focus on continuous improvement. Together with our partners and suppliers, we have developed and improved our system and processes to make our customer’s production flow more efficient.
One example is a global manufacturer of construction equipment with production in eleven countries on four continents. The company faced a significant challenge, managing a complete supply chain, including; manuals, product information, packaging, marketing material, education material, floor plans, and “digi-passes”. One major challenge was to update all the content continuously at the same time as all of the versions needed to be available for the manufacturing sites, retailer, and other interest groups.
To solve this, Elanders developed a global B2B e-commerce solution that made it simple to evaluate, and order products and materials, manage the constant updates, and to guarantee availability for earlier versions. A solution that resulted in a decrease of warehouse costs, more efficient processes and that the customer could rationalize away a couple of internal IT-systems.