In the customer segment Health Care, Elanders’ principal focus is within medical technology. The Group offers customized solutions throughout the product lifecycle, starting from the procurement of input materials all the way until the equipment is worn out.
ISO 13485, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, GDPMDS and AEO-F
Certifications within Elanders
(FY 2023)
customer orders handled per day
(FY 2023)
of Elanders’ total sales
(FY 2023)
The Health Care customer segment has a great growth potential seen to the fast-paced scientific and technological development, combined with the effects of a globally aging population and prolonged life expectancy. The health services and medical care industry has special regulations and strict demands when it comes to things like sterile handling of equipment, components, consumables and input materials for medicines. For a logistics partner, this entails considerable investments, high standards, quality-assured processes and recurring audits of required certifications. There is no margin of error when it comes to this type of equipment, products or materials. Both expertise and trust between provider and client must be built over time.
Elanders has solid experience as a partner to medical technology companies. With a global footprint, the Group today offers experts within medical logistics, committed to delivering services at the highest level of quality without compromise and with continuous improvements. The clients turn to Elanders throughout the product lifecycle, starting from the procurement of materials, through manufacturing and assembly, as well as distribution, and on to aftermarket services and the handling of equipment that is worn out.
Elanders can manage entire logistics chains and ensure that end customers are provided with the equipment, spare parts and consumables, at the right time. The Group handles all aspects of logistics and transport, as well as providing and coordinating value-added services for sensitive health care equipment and in vitro diagnostics. This includes demo pool services, installation services, taking back worn-out equipment, as well as temperature-controlled storage in different climate zones down to –80 degrees Celsius.
The medical technology industry is growing due to factors such as an aging population, lifestyle diseases and a rapid technological development. At the same time, there is a potential for increased outsourcing within the supply chain, including various value-added services throughout the chain. With a reliable partner like Elanders, possessing the necessary expertise and experience within the area as well as the capacity to meet needs at a global level, clients can streamline their processes and focus on their core business.
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