During the last two decenniums, Elanders has gone through an enormous transition from a pure print company with most of its business in Sweden, to a global logistic group with operations on four continents. Sustainability has become increasingly important for Elanders and its stakeholders. Elanders closely follows growing external demands and strives to meet these as efficiently as possible.
The overall picture of the Group’s sustainability-related impacts, risks and opportunities shall be taken into account in Elanders’ overall business strategy and goals. In the long run, a sustainable strategy also creates greater shareholder value and added-value for all the company’s stakeholders – customers, investors and society alike.
Governance regarding sustainability matters is embedded in Elanders’ Board of Directors and group management. Ownership and agency to drive measures within the material areas are embedded in Elanders’ organization in order to ensure adjustments to the various operations’ priorities.
Elanders’ materiality assessment takes into account the areas that are particularly important to the stakeholders, where the Group has its greatest impact on people and the environment, and what is of great importance for the strategic direction of the business. Continuous dialogues are conducted with five stakeholder groups, which are specified below. The groups have been identified based on their dependence on Elanders and the impact they in turn have on Elanders’ operations and strategic direction.
CSRD requires reporting according to the principle double materiality which is the basis for sustainability reporting within the framework of ESRS. This entails assessing materiality from an impact perspective and a risk and opportunity perspective. The assessment also takes the entire value chain into consideration. During 2024, Elanders conducts a double materiality assessment.
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